Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Is It Just Me?

Hey Earthlings, what's up with the world?

Yeah, I actually asked you that. It's been months since I've posted last and not because I was being lazy or didn't have time; it was because there was nothing fascinating enough to write on. Even now, I'd rather backspace this. You ask why? Here's why...

Everyone's so caught up in their life, everyone wants a bigger piece of the pie. No-one will stop for you or help you, You're all on your own, literally. I see people bringing each other down and for what? You get what you want initially but those karmic reactions aren't gonna neutralize on their own. Seen 3 idiots? Of course you have. "Life is a race, if you don't run fast you'll be like a broken undaa (egg)". Succeeding in life is perfectly okay. I, like other bloggers can write you dozens of articles on striving for the best in life but have you reflected on how you're gonna get there? Look at all the emotional messes you're creating while pulling that off. 
When I was in school, a classmate of mine had this strong sense of dislike towards me although I never did anything to bring us to that, we were actually pretty good friends. One day, out of the blue she started cyber bullying me- she spread out hate against my name and I was called names and that pretty much destroyed the reputation I had as a friend/classmate to others. And till date, I don't know why. I was a kid so naturally I didn't know how to handle the situation and I ended up proving and living up to the things I was called. It was a phase I call "Medieval", I let myself be defined by the things other people said and when I actually put it to thought I wasn't like that at all. Gradually, I grew out of it and my friend circle changed into more supportive and bearable people. 

Maybe she had her reasons and I'm not even judging her for that, her methods were just unacceptable that's all. She could have talked it out or even stopped talking, there's always a choice.

In the span of your life, you will meet people you like and dislike. Your vibrations just don't match, yeah that's a thing and it's natural. Instead of bringing them down, isn't it easier to just let it go? Why waste your time and efforts in something which isn't letting you or the other grow as a person? 

Is it just me? Is it just me who asks this question? Of course not. And yeah, I'm not perfect; I'm guilty of bringing someone down as well and I regret it because when realization hits it's just too late. Clean up your act before it's too late. Don't be the one people don't say 'hi' to at reunions or parties. Be the one who gets hugs from everyone present there. Isn't that the type of love that warms your chest? It feels good. Cliche but I can't resist - Be the best version of yourself. 

Since it's out in the open, if you have ever been hurt by what I've said or done - I apologize. And for what it counts, everyone has a better and brighter side. Go on in your life with positive auras around you, be good to people - they'll be good to you. I know some might just read this and move on in their lives maybe, like the post on facebook, maybe not; but I hope this makes a difference somewhere somehow.

Thank you for listening. 

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