Color Me Multi-Color.
USA just legalized same sex marriage and what's the world got to say?
You must have seen the colorful profile pictures your friends have put up on facebook or whatsapp claiming to support The States legalizing same sex marriage. Why is it such a big deal in India when the society here just runs their own stereotype? Isn't it ironical that here if we spot a gay couple we'd say incoherent things about them? But when USA does this, we're in claps and praises? Well done India well done.
Sexuality is personal to one's being, and there's no reason for someone else to judge them about it. How would you feel if someone said you were stupid but reality check, you're dyslexic? Everyone is entitled to their own choice of sexuality and no-one; not even their parents can stop them from it. In India, being gay is a crime according to the old folks. And this is not me judging but actually observing. Why can't an individual live their life on their own terms? So what if they're interested in the same sex, it's not the end of the world. They're happy, isn't that enough for you?
I'm disappointed in the type of values our societies have to give, why is the life of the other so interesting that we make it a point to judge them? Do you not think before judging them?Sexuality is a choice. Be it straight, bisexual or homosexual. If we can live with bilingual people, why not bisexual? Acceptance is all it takes. Open up your mind to worldly things, embrace the human being as he/she comes. Like a person for their personality not their choices because if you judge them that means someone can judge you too.
Conventional norms are gone and done with. I'm not saying that you should go wild but learn to respect each other's choices. If you like strawberry ice-cream, doesn't mean I will too right? We're all diversified creatures with different outlooks on life. Why should that be a reason to shun someone?
I know my ranting is useless to people who like having their own way with everything but come out of your closet, and look around. We're all Multi-Color.
Respect to get respected.

Sexuality is personal to one's being, and there's no reason for someone else to judge them about it. How would you feel if someone said you were stupid but reality check, you're dyslexic? Everyone is entitled to their own choice of sexuality and no-one; not even their parents can stop them from it. In India, being gay is a crime according to the old folks. And this is not me judging but actually observing. Why can't an individual live their life on their own terms? So what if they're interested in the same sex, it's not the end of the world. They're happy, isn't that enough for you?
I'm disappointed in the type of values our societies have to give, why is the life of the other so interesting that we make it a point to judge them? Do you not think before judging them?Sexuality is a choice. Be it straight, bisexual or homosexual. If we can live with bilingual people, why not bisexual? Acceptance is all it takes. Open up your mind to worldly things, embrace the human being as he/she comes. Like a person for their personality not their choices because if you judge them that means someone can judge you too.
Conventional norms are gone and done with. I'm not saying that you should go wild but learn to respect each other's choices. If you like strawberry ice-cream, doesn't mean I will too right? We're all diversified creatures with different outlooks on life. Why should that be a reason to shun someone?
I know my ranting is useless to people who like having their own way with everything but come out of your closet, and look around. We're all Multi-Color.
Respect to get respected.
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