Monday, June 17, 2013

Given the choice between a great mark and a great story, I think you should go for the latter.

Marks don't matter 

Well , It's back to the time of the year when tensions are high in the households of 12th pass-outs and former 10th class students . The examinations are held and students slog it out their respective D days and puff , it is all over ; the results are out ! The successful ones cheer , the not so ones grieve. Astonishing marks are hence  scored however there is some food for thought for those who think education is the primary tool to progress of a nation. Do marks alone matter ?

Education is a process which empowers a student to think for himself/herself and make his/her decisions in life. However, the present day education system puts emphasis on rote-learning and unhealthy competition. Critics have often pointed out the inadequacies of our education system. The general complain is that the school curriculum is too much academic. It is not practical or job oriented. So bringing full marks or A+ grades won't help students to make adequate progress in the future. 

The academics, on the basis of it we are judged, can it give the education of life? Can it give the life skills which we need in our lifetime? No at all! The history or English we study today won’t help us to cope with problems in the real world. We need to know more than just bookish knowledge.

Anyway , the point is that marks aren't the only things that matter. Many students lose their other abilities like good interpersonal skills because of their unbeatable study skills. In reality marks don't matter in the long run , they're just the pillars to get into your desired stream in 11th and college in 12th. After that , who is gonna ask what grade you got in 10th in maths ? So don't worry right now because later on your skills and knowledge will help you , not your marks or grades. Don't just study , LEARN.

People will ask what you know not what you got.

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