Thursday, May 23, 2013

Reading Is My Escape

Reading is my escape from reality. 
When I read I leave reality and enter a different world that is truly amazing. I get pulled into books like no other. When I read I forget what I am surrounded with and get surrounded by something better. 
It is simply one of the best feelings ever. To get pulled into a book, into a different world when it seems so real, but it is just inside your mind.
Don’t get me wrong, I think reality is beautiful, especially since it’s all we’ve got, but in a certain sense imagination is an aspect of reality as projected by our own neural circuitry. So it should be ok to enjoy escaping from time to time, right? Of course that’s right! Only a scientist would ever think to ask permission to step outside reality for a little bit. But this is where comics come in oh so handy.
So if I’m looking for a bit of easy escapism why don’t I just watch a movie? Well I prefer reading, I like that it’s active. And a movie takes a specific amount of time. It’s right there on the box. For whatever reason I’m resistant to having to try and fit that in my schedule, as opposed to a comic I can carry around the house reading in fits and starts as I please. But this is all the nuts and bolts of my own preferred escapism, what’s my actual point?

Reading gives you an inner satisfaction that there is something more worthwhile and more enjoyable in this world. I face this inner urge to read cause I enjoy it and why not ?
A few hours without homework and the boring textbooks ..who wouldn't!
Go pick up a good book and READ.
You'll enjoy .! Believe me.! 

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